I understand that participation in activities/events exposes me and my family to the risk of personal injury, death, or property damage. I hereby acknowledge that i am voluntarily participating in this event/class and agree to assume any such risks. I hereby release, discharge, and agree not to sue City of Calexico instructors, city staff, and/or volunteers for any injury, death, or damage to or loss of personal property arising out of, or in connection with my participation in the event/class from whatever cause, including the active or passive negligence of the City of Calexico instructors, city staff, and/or volunteers or any participants in the event/class. I hereby agree for myself, my heirs, administrators, and executors that I shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Calexico instructors, city staff, and or volunteers from any and all claims, demands actions, or suits arising out of or in connection with my participation in any city program/special event.

UNATENDED CHILDREN: no children are allowed in classes where not permitted. Children are not allowed to wait for parents taking a class. The Recreation Department will not be responsible for unattended children.

LATE FEE: a $10.00 late fee will be charged for monthly payments received after the 5th day of each month.

REFUNDS: A 100% refund will only be granted if a class is canceled by the Recreation Department. Refund requests must be requested before class start date. No refunds will be issued once classes have started. If granted, refunds may take 4-8 weeks to process. No cash refunds will be issued.

PHOTO RELEASE: by participating in our programs, patrons agree to allow the City of Calexico Recreation Department to use photographs, videotapes, art, and testimonials of participants for use publicity materials free of charge or usage fees.

BEHAVIOR/PUNCTUALITY: participants are expected to show appropriate behavior at all times. I agree to show respect to all participants and staff. I will not use foul language. I will refrain from causing bodily harm to participants or staff. I understand that if I don't show proper behavior or disrupt the class, I will be asked to leave the program and not be allowed back in. It is essential to be on time. If a participant is late to class, they will need to check with the office to determine if they can join it. If a class has commenced the skill portion of the class, the participant will be asked to attend the next scheduled class.